There are certain folk medicines that has been passed on from one generation to another. When I was seven or eight years old, I had an incident that allowed me to observe one such remedy. It's not for us to judge the action or behaviour of people in those times because things were different back then. They did what they had to do for survival. On the other hand they were honest and hardworking folk and cared for their family. Neighbours shared what they have with one another and cared for each other.
We had a big yard for us to play. Some of the
neighbours children came over and we decided to play hide and seek outside of
the house. At that time the house was built on concrete pillars, so there was
space underneath the house to play. It was a hot day and we felt the cool
breeze as it circled among the pillars. There was some construction being done
at the time and we were told to be careful where we walked.
I tried hiding behind one of the pillars where there
was an old barrel at the side. It looked safe but in doing so, I stepped on a
rusty nail which was turned upside down on a piece of wood. My heel was
punctured and thought nothing of it. I did not say anything to anyone at that
time. As the day wore on, I was in some pain and could not walk on the foot. I thought
it would go away after a while.
It was close to bedtime when my mother saw me
limping and ask "what's wrong with my foot." I told her what happened
earlier in the day with the nail and she immediately examined the spot where I
was punctured. It was painful and she saw that it was infected. She acted
quickly to help me because she knew that if nothing was done soon, it can possible
lead to tetanus.
Now, what I am about to say should not be tried at
home by anyone. Remember I am giving my life experiences. As I said previously, this is folk medicine
passed on from one generation to the next. My mother grew up with her
grandmother and there are things that she learnt that helped at that time,
because that's what they knew for survival. It was a different era and somehow
it worked for them. I would not do what they did because times have changed. I
respected my mother's efforts and loved her dearly.
I slept soundly without pain and believed every word
my mother told me. When I awoke the following morning, there was no pain, no
infection and I could have walked on that foot without a problem.
My mother loved us deeply and will do anything to
help her children as any loving and caring mother would do because life is like
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